
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Poems Written by a Falk Cousin - Pt. 2

Yesterday I posted a poem written by Sylvia M Ward, one of my 1st cousins once removed. Sylvia, or Sylvie as she was known, went to China as a Pentecostal missionary in 1934 and died there of typhus in 1935. In 1937 a book of some of her poems, which were Christian in nature, was published as a memorial to her. Here is another one of them.

Just Because You Haven't Joy

Just because you haven't joy
Bubbling, bubbling to come out,
That's no sign that you should sigh,
Fearfully begin to doubt.
Winder if your God has gone__
Gone and left you all alone;
Wonder if you've failed so oft'
That He ne'ver again will own.

Just because you do not feel
Like a shouting everywhere,
And your heart seems rather sad,
And there's no one near to care,
Do not sit and weep and cry
Just as if He'd never led,
Making folk around you feel
That your God is surely dead.

Don't you know that He who sends
Songs and Joy in great degree
Often leads in darkness too
Where the path we cannot see?
We must often walk by faith,
If we'd really deeper grow,
So wherever He doth lead
Ever gladly, gladly go.

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