also tried to do genealogical research for her with the limited
information that we had, a copy of the original birth certificate. We
thought we had found the birth father's family and had quite a lot of
information gathered. We had a probable half-sister test her DNA a
year ago and there was no match. Apparently a false name for the
father was given on the certificate.
were also doing research about the birth mother and had a good idea
about her parents and grandparents. But we had not found any living
relatives, that is, until yesterday. I read my e-mail that had come
in the past few days and found a notice from FTDNA that my friend had
a new match at Family Finder. So I looked at it and it was a match of
2nd cousin level. I did a Google search for that surname and found
some individuals, living in the Marquette Michigan area. That was
where we believed my friend's birth mother had been born. Then I got
another e-mail from the match herself, wanting to try to make the
connection since it was her highest match. It was also my friend's
highest match, so with her permission I wrote back to the new match
with a summary of what we had gathered about that family. It was
wonderful this morning to receive the e-mail from the new match. Yes,
they are 2nd cousins and the new match has pictures and information
to share.
after 2 years from the time she tested, my friend does have a living
biological 2nd cousin. It was good to have time to do genealogical
research so we could supply the needed information to show the
testing can give us bad news and good news. We were sad when the
supposed half-sister did not match. But now a 2nd cousin has been
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