1849 -- My 2nd great
granduncle, James Bond, was killed on February 18th. He had come to
Oregon as a Baptist missionary in 1847. An accidental shooting in
Clatsop County caused his death.
Perry Solomon Bond born 18 Feb 1882 |
1882 -- My granduncle,
Perry Solomon Bond, was born to John Howard Band and Mary Ann
(O'Neal) Bond. They were living on a homestead located about 5 miles
west of Creswell. He was the oldest son, the third of five children.
1893 -- Perry's first
cousin, Melvin Bond, the son of William Henry Bond and Sarah (Kirk)
Bond, died in Umatilla County, Oregon, at the age of 1 year and 1
month old. Melvin was buried in the Helix Cemetery there. It was in
December of 1893 that Perry's father sold his homestead and the
family soon moved to Gilliam County in Eastern Oregon.
1900 -- On Perry's 18th
birthday, while living in Lone Rock in Gilliam County, Perry's
grandfather and my 2nd great-grandfather, Solomon Bond, died at
Halsey, Oregon, at the age of 80. Solomon was born in Kentucky,
moved to Indiana, then Illinois and then to Iowa where he was
married. In 1853 he traveled to Oregon on the Oregon Trail, obtained
a donation land claim which would later be at the edge of Halsey
and remained there the rest of his life.